A Marantz Project: Two Volumes of Carefully Chosen Music. Listen Like a Sound Master, and Listen Like a Producer
This month’s Marantz monthly playlist is created in partnership with Vinyl Me, Please. All the tracks were curated by Marantz Sound Master Yoshinori Ogata, VMP CEO Cameron Schaefer, and Dave Longstreth of Dirty Projectors.

Explorations in Sound
Learn More About the Project
Stream the Monthly Marantz Playlist With These Incredible Connected Pieces
Every Marantz with HEOS Built-in can be used to stream your favorite music in the highest possible wireless quality. Isn’t it time to explore great music on an amazing Marantz Hi-Fi?
Marantz With HEOS Built-in
The Most Musical Sound
Discover how the spacious, open and warm signature sound of Marantz is crafted by true acoustic artisans.
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