感受每一个维度。杜比全景声 (Dolby Atmos) 革命性的空间音频技术可实现令人惊叹的 3D 音效,营造逼真的沉浸感。杜比全景声 (Dolby Atmos) 是聆听细节丰富的 3D 物体声音的最现代、最复杂的方式,它还经过精心设计,可扩大声音的冲击力,以匹配您的系统大小。

置身于大片、精彩体育、惊险游戏和难忘音乐会的世界中。以 Marantz CINEMA 系列为核心,打造多达 15.4 声道的沉浸式影院。

Performance Perfected
Dolby Atmos is refined to perfection by the crystal clarity and pinpoint precision of Marantz engineering. CINEMA Series features the latest expressions of legendary Marantz inventions including HDAM amplification plus countless premium components and attention to details.

Always Immersive
Listen your way or exactly as the artists imagined. Stereo soundtracks can be upmixed to full immersive surround sound to utilize every speaker in the room, or use Pure Direct mode to recreate the sound stage in your room and hear it precisely as originally recorded.